Anima Mundi Palo Santo Schutz Mysto


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100 % nachhaltig produziertes Palo Santo Myst.
Palo Santo wird in vielen Kulturen wegen seiner starken Fähigkeit, die Seele zu reinigen, in Ritualen verwendet.
Nutzen Sie dieses kraftvolle Spray, um Räume energetisch zu reinigen.

Palo Santo Essential Oil^, Filtered Water, Under 3% of Cane Alcohol*.

*Organic / ^Wildcrafted


Our palo santo is 100% ethically harvested from Peru. We work directly with a small native family from the Lambayeque - Región Chiclayo in northern Peru. They ethically harvest from naturally fallen and aged trees (minimum of four years), while replanting in the wild. The family we work with have been stewards of this preserved land for generations, and have been caretaking these trees in a sacred manner for 100+ years.

Myst around you as needed, and enjoy the refreshing magic.